Monday, March 9, 2009

Musical Symbol of Israel-the automobile horn

We have been amazed throughout our trip thus far at the driving and parking of Israelis. Israelis park wherever they can squeeze their cars. We park properly and get a ticket the first day, they park sideways (see first photo to the left), on the sidewalk (next photo), or covered in fruit photo tarps (see bottom right photo). I'm totally getting used to the country and the parking. I've pulled into a space on a very crowded, narrow street near the shook (spelling alludes me), don't hit any cars or scooters, or pedestrians, and I didn't get a ticket!
To prevent cars from parking on the sidewalk, there are stone blocks, they look like chess rooks, along one side of the street, only a few feet apart. If they were spaced further apart, undoubtedly some Israeli would manage to squeeze their car in between.
In Israel the musical instrument we hear most often is the auto horn. Israelis use them indiscriminately, at any hour. This morning it was our 4 AM wake up call. When I'm driving slowly looking for a street name, the horn blasts me from my reverie. I've missed many a street for fear of slowing town before a blasting horn.
I'm definitely getting acclimated, however. I can drive, change lanes, cross lanes, park in tight spaces, and go around stopped buses facing on coming traffic. Driving in Arizona is going to be a piece of cake.
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  1. Don't you just love all the honking of horns too?!

  2. Okay, I read that too fast and missed the title and the horn part. Ahhh! This missing hour of daylight savings time has left much to be desired for my brain this morning.
